2022 Value-Based Care Collection

In the complicated world of value-based care, the focus primarily is – and should be – providing the best patient care while mitigating wasted Medicare spend. Out-performing your benchmarks means a greater reward for you, your network, and everyone in Medicare-related industries. But before you can begin reaping your rewards, you have to tackle the building blocks of managing your risk-sharing entity. Whether you’re an experienced accountable care organization (ACO) or an emerging direct contracting entity (DCE), building a strong network or acute and post-acute physicians, optimizing that network, and leveraging preferred provider relationships with post-acute care organizations are crucial components that need to be addressed.

At Trella Health, we know that, for you to be successful, you need actionable insights and performance patterns for the physicians in your market – but you also need a way to apply these numbers to help create a strong foundation for future ACO or DCE success. The resources below were created to help you navigate the essential components of a successful value-based care entity, regardless of where you are in the process.

Get a strong start to building a new network or optimizing your existing one – ahead of the unknown deadlines for performance year 2023 (PY 2023).

Building a Successful Network

Building a strong value-based care network sets the tone for how likely it is you’ll reach your benchmark. For risk-sharing groups like ACOs and DCEs, you need to look at the clinician-level claims alignment and performance metrics to determine which groups or physicians could benefit your roster.

Network Building Resources

Click to access the ACO DCE building Guide


In our guide, “ACO & DCE Building: Key Considerations on Your Journey to Value-Based Care,” we explore insights and lessons learned from interviews with more than 50 ACO leaders. From where they’re focused to where they need to grow, you’ll get a glimpse of what it takes to be a successful risk-sharing entity.

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Read our Blog on building your DCE network
Successful value-based care networks start with strong primary care physician relationships. In this blog, find out how you need to approach building this network and evaluating physicians.
Download the DCE physician performance scorecard
When evaluating the physician or clinician partners you may want to add to your network, which metrics are most important? Use this template to compare them before you add them to your network contracts.
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Find out how to build a winning aco network
Access this on-demand webinar to learn more about the key components of building a winning ACO network. From the success metrics you need to focus on to strategies for physician comparison, you’ll be set up for success.
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Watch this webinar recording to discover keys to building and risk modeling your value based care network
Advanced risk models don’t have to be scary. Yes, you’re taking on more risk, but, with the right data, you can model your network before you ever contract a single clinician. Learn more in this on-demand webinar.
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Download the 2021 ACO Priorities Benchmark Report
What are top ACO leaders focused on as they navigate the complex world of value-based care? We surveyed 50 industry experts to find out. Download the report to see if your ACO is on the right track!
Learn how and why to take a data-driven approach to value-based care network building
Just like the Oakland A’s, you can’t build a successful network roster without the right data. Check out this blog to learn more about how taking a data-driven approach spells success for sports and healthcare!

Analyzing and Optimizing Your High-Performing Network

Once your network contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered, it’s time to start analyzing performance. Optimizing means more than just analyzing, though. For example, you may need to reassess which clinicians you refer to within a physician group. Or maybe you need to work on ways to increase efficiency with your network partners. Alternatively, if your network is trending in a way that indicates you might not meet your goals, you should start looking for non-contracted solutions.

Network Optimization Resources

Learn how to optimize your ACO or DCE Network in 5 steps
Learn how to improve your network performance with 5 step-by-step instructions. Hint: it all starts with your optimized post-acute care network. Read more in this exciting and informative blog post!
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find out how to approach your ACO network like a fantasy football draft
How is building a winning network like building a top-notch fantasy football team? Data! Look at the stats for your contracted physicians to make sure they’re still helping you reach your benchmark goals.
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Learn how to overcome common ACO network optimization challenges
For your ACO or DCE to succeed, you need to be able to overcome any challenges that may come your way. Find out in this blog what those challenges could be and how to prevent them from derailing your progress.
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Build Strong Post-Acute Care Partnerships and Preferred Provider Networks

The final building block for successful ACO and DCE groups is building out a strong network of preferred post-acute care providers. While these physicians may not be on your official contracted network roster, they are high-performing clinicians who you know will impact your benchmark in a positive way. 73% of Medicare spending variance comes from post-acute care – ensuring your patients make it to the right care setting and the right physician at the right time will have a positive impact on both you and your patients.

Post-Acute Care Resources

find out how partnering with ACOs can impact SNFs
When it comes to post-acute care partnerships, finding the unique value for them is key. Read this blog to learn more about the positive impacts SNFs see when partnering with ACOs and use that to persuade PACs to join you.
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Find out why ACOs and DCEs should look to post-acute care as a valuable resource
In a recent study, our team found that post-acute care spending provides the biggest opportunities for ACOs looking to lower their total patient costs. Download the full report to learn more.
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Why are PACs focused on ACO partnerships in 2022? Learn more
In a survey of over 150 post-acute care leaders, we found that 2022 will bring a renewed emphasis on partnering with ACOs and DCEs. This could be huge for value-based care groups. Learn More >>
Make the most of your PAC partnerships with these tips
Want to quickly identify ways you can optimize your ACO or DCE’s post-acute care relationships? Check out this infographic with the top tips for value-based care partnerships with PAC organizations.
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What metrics indicate successful SNF ACO partnerships?
As an ACO or DCE looking to partner with PAC organizations, what are the key metrics that will indicate success? Check out this blog to learn more about the metrics that matter most when evaluating potential PAC partners.
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Listen to this podcast to learn more about 6 tips for successful PAC partnerships
Trella Health founder, Ian Juliano, recently joined the team at Race to Value to discuss what makes PAC and value-based care partnerships successful. Listen now to get his 6 tips for mutually beneficial partnerships.
Listen Now >>

Next Steps:

Even though it may not feel like time to start planning your PY2023 network, the mid-year deadlines are going to show up sooner than you expect. That’s why it’s important to start diving into the important metrics you need to build or change your network.

Trella Health is the leader in market intelligence for the 65+ population, with extensive data sets including Medicare FFS, Medicare Advantage, commercial payers, ACOs, and DCEs. To learn more about how data insights and analytics for key metrics can help you control costs, improve patient outcomes, and build a stronger physician network, schedule a demo today.

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